Aquaconsoil 2023
GROW PhD researchers Mateusz Zawadzki and Lara Speijer from VUB’s Water & Climate department presented their work on the AquaConSoil Conference in Prague (11-15th of September 2023).
Mateusz Zawadzki presented his talk on ‘water reuse for irrigation and groundwater recharge: time series analysis for subirrigation system performance assessment’ during a session on ‘Water reuse and artificial recharge’. In his presentation, he depicted the set-up of the subirrigation system in Kinrooi and explained the importance of time-series analysis to understand the impacts of the subirrigation system on the groundwater and to use groundwater level data to regulate the subirrigation system in future.
Lara Speijer’s poster presentation illustrated the plans to use new groundwater flux sensor data in the Kinrooi field experiment to incorporate in groundwater modelling efforts to understand the impacts of the subirrigation system on the groundwater system. Research will be carried out in future in how far these new measurements can enhance groundwater model performance.